Brand Story
Grace Hau Yik-Ting 侯易廷
Grace is a certified Mindfulness Teacher who is an Oxford CertifiedMindfulness Teacher. She is trained in Mindfulness Cognitive Based Therapy(MBCT) from Oxford University Mindfulness Center. She provides 8-weekMindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life programs, organizationalmindfulness, mindful performance training courses & regular meditationpractice groups and retreats in English and Cantonese for the general public,corporates, schools, psychotherapy & healthcare centers and NGO in HongKong. She has been practicing mindfulness since 2017 with the completion ofplum village retreats training and volunteered in the Philippines forleadership programs for children and teens. Having managed her own business, Gracecares about people's physical and mental health and image etiquette. As Gracediscovered that although modern people have rich material life, they lackhappiness. She is determined to help them discover the simple beauty of life intheir hectic life. After that, Grace is passionate about how mindfulness enhances andcultivates the well-beingand resilience of modern busy people and students in this digital eraand a multicultural setting. Heruns to provide his audience with educationalinformation and insights relatedto mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Its vision is to have more awareness &compassion within communication, reduce conflicts, less mental healthillnesses, feeling enough of yourself and playing by anxiety. We believeeveryone is able to make a change, taking care of themselves in order to takecare of others - not the other way round.
Having managed her own business, Gracecares about people's physical and mental health and image etiquette. As Gracediscovered that although modern people have rich material life, they lackhappiness. She is determined to help them discover the simple beauty of life intheir hectic life.
After that, Grace is passionate about how mindfulness enhances andcultivates the well-beingand resilience of modern busy people and students in this digital eraand a multicultural setting. Heruns to provide his audience with educationalinformation and insights relatedto mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Its vision is to have moreawareness & compassion within communication, reduce conflicts, less mentalhealth illnesses, feeling enough of yourself and playing by anxiety. We believeeveryone is able to make a change, taking care of themselves in order to takecare of others - not the other way round.
Mindfulness related qualificationand training:
• Certified instructor for Cognitive BasedTherapy from Oxford University Mindfulness Center
• 8 Weeks Mindfulness-Based StressReduction Therapy from Hong Kong Centre for Mindfulness
• Certified ADHD/AUTISM children and teenMYMIND course instructor from Hong Kong Association for Infant Mental Health
• Certified Mindful Parenting from CentrumVoor Mindfulness
• Certified Child Mindfulness Instructorfrom AMT Mindfulness Matters
• Completed 8 Weeks Mindfulness-Based SelfCompassion from CUHK Thomas Jing Mindfulness Research Centre
• Dots Mindfulness Curriculum TeacherCertificate from Mindfulness in Schools Project
• Mindfulness Foundations from MindfulSchools
• Mindfulness Children Trainer from Academyfor Mindful Teaching
• Mindfulness Training Curriculum for Kidsand Youth’s Mental Health with Dr Christopher Willlard
Background in Arts:
• Image and Etiquette Consultant Trainer (London Image Institute)
• Children Etiquette Instructor (ChinaCommittee of Children Work Association)
• Certificate of Projective Drawing Art inAssessment (Unleashing Mind)
• Advanced Level Sound Therapy Healing (Nepal International Practitioner Holistic Provider Accredited )
• Integrative Sound Therapy Teacher (Thailand Nature Yoga )
• Bachelor of Arts (University of ArtsLondon)
Professional Experiences:
• Guest Lecturer (Guang Min Primary School)
• Children Mindfulness and Wellness Training( English Schools Foundation)
• Mindful Teacher Training ( Blooming BudsPreschool and Childcare)
• Mindful Teacher Training ( ClementKindergarten School )
• Provided mindfulness training and assistedrelevant research in corprates, primary and secondary schools, social welfareinstitutions, government departments, and communities.
• Master of Social Science in Psychology(School and Community Setting) (The Education University of Hong Kong)